grown-up-birthdaysJust because you’re a grown up doesn’t mean you can’t have big, FUN birthday parties! Rent a bounce house or a slide, have some ice cream, cotton candy, snow cones or even popcorn. You and your guests are here to celebrate your birth, not necessarily your age, because who really feels their age anyway?If you’re having a backyard dinner party you’ll need plenty of chairs and tables, not to mention ice cream to finish up dinner with!

Movies are great! So get your friends together, have them dress up like they’re at the Oscars, set out a red carpet, have a classy drink, play movie trivia games, watch old time movies and of course you’ll need theater style popcorn!!

Ice cream bars are the best! All you need is a soft serve ice cream machine and some toppings. Simple planning and great social time! Not to mention this can be an open house style party so friends can come and go as needed to accommodate busy life schedules!

Like to dress up? Have a simple light luncheon or tea time! Make some finger sandwiches, favorite tea, maybe even some cookies. We’ll help out with the tables and chairs!

Have a throw-back to childhood party. Get some coloring books, cotton candy or ice cream machine, a giant bounce house or slide, build a blanket fort in your living room and have your favorite Disney movies playing, have games like chutes and ladders, twister, etc in the living room. Invite your friends and their kids. All the kids around will soon find out that YOUR kids have the coolest parents.


1029 Majestic Dr.
Washington, UT 84780